Sunday, January 10, 2016

Within a Year, I would have seen all my dream concerts.

Last year, I found out the Symphony of Goddesses were going to be in Salt Lake. I was so excited, and of course I bought tickets. It was a great experience for both me and my boyfriend, I nearly cried when they played the main theme to the Legend of Zelda and all around I got to be a total nerd. Not to mention that the next day we went to Anime Banzai.

Then Coldrain announced they were also coming to Salt Lake, and I bought tickets for me and my brother. The experience was also amazing and I also got to meet two band members [and waved at RxYxO-sadly I didn't meet him]. Masato was sweet, and Katsuma was shy and also sweet. It was a great experience and tbh I would've seen them again in Las Vegas if it weren't for circumstances.

And then if you go back six or so years ago, I saw my favorite band [next to the GazettE of couse] at the time. Flyleaf, with the original singer-and it was the last time she had been in Utah as well. I was so happy for that to be my official first concert. Lacey was amazing live, and if she came back to Utah I'd definitely see her again.

At the time Lindsey Stirling had been a dream concert, but if I had a choice I wouldn't see her again. I stopped listening to her.

Linkin Park was another dream concert, and I'd probably see them again. Chester is amazing live and to be honest they're probably the best band I've seen live aside from Coldrain.

[Also for Coldrain, I was front row and even got to high five Masato XD]

So naturally when the GazettE announces they're going to California, I instantly buy tickets. I couldn't afford to buy my brothers, but he's going to California with me. He's going to go to Six Flags [with my other brother] while I go do GazettE-related stuff. I can't tell you enough how excited I am, and to realize that this is the final Dream Concert [that I know of] that is going to come true.

My friend from High School even knows how much this means to me, she stated 'You've loved them since High School! That's cool that you're going to go!'

I don't know, I guess I just obsessed over them for too long. Until this, I had given up on ever seeing them.

[My brain is fried, so I'm ending it here. XD]

Ranking the GazettE albums.

 This might be a little controversial to some fans, but lately I've been thinking about my personal favorites of GazettE and thought sin...