And while I mentioned Aoi a lot in previous posts, I will always find a reason to talk about him. Like the other GazettE post however, I will put him last because I feel like I will have the most to say when it comes to him.
Usually when it comes to me, I have at least one bias-but some I do have two.
So here's the list.
Jin Auncia|Ansia|Nia
He's basically a Aoi clone, but I really like Jin. Unfortunately the band he's in is inactive, as stated before-but I hope even if NIA is no more that Jin stays active in the Visual Kei realm.
Satoshi Girugamesh
Though I fell away from the Girugamesh fandom after a while, I still love Satoshi. I'm sad to hear that they disbanded, but excited to see what he does next. He's really sweet, at least from what I've seen and funny.
Nii Girugamesh
Okay, Nii is a big fucking dork and that's why I love him so much. I mean, everyone remembers the Horse face right?
Aiji LMC
I honestly forgot why he was my bias, I guess I went for him because he was the guitarist? He really is talented, and honestly I miss this hair on him. I haven't followed LM.C in recent years, but it's good to hear that they're still active.
Jun Phantasmagoria|Spiv States|Gotcharocka
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It's hard for me to pick just one picture of Jun so here's two. |
Shun Vidoll
Is Shun still around? Like Jun, I didn't really keep up with him after Vidoll disbanded, and it wasn't as if I followed him too closely then. He was one of my bias's during my High School years, though when I reminisce and look at pictures of him now I want to look and see what he's up to now.
Isshi Kagrra,
Honestly, I always thought that Isshi was attractive in his own unique way. He had this charisma about him, and I always loved him as a person. I think the best way to get to know who Isshi was is through his lyrics, and honestly I'm still sad over his untimely death. I doubt there'll be any vocalist like him.
Izumi Kagrra,
Izumi was adorable. Right down to his laugh, honestly I could go on and about this sweetheart and when he vanished from the scene after Kagrra, disbanded my heart broke. I wish he would come back to the scene, however it is his choice and I'll respect his decision. Honestly, if you want to instantly feel better-look up some of Kagrra's videos. His laughter is contagious.
Katsuma coldrain
Okay can I be honest? When I first saw coldrain, Katsuma sort of scared me. He sort of had an intense look, but it wasn't until I met him in person the first time that I realized what a sweetheart he was. He smiled at me and said 'Thank you' when I asked for an album, I feel like it made him happy. I was too shy at the time though to ask for a picture with him. However, I met him again at Warped Tour and he was the one who noticed me first. I was rounding the corner to their tent, he smiled at me and said "Hi" and I honestly can't forget that moment.
Oh boy, I could go on about Katsuma-so let's just move on to the next.
Masato coldrain
I look up to Masato, I feel like he always knows what to say and when to say it. His lyrics alone has helped me through my toughest days, and he's such a nice person when you meet him. I felt a little bad the first time we met, the venue was small and I kept running into him. [I promise: I wasn't stalking him, I was just wandering....]
That aside, at Warped Tour I was a little shy. I told him I saw him earlier, and that I loved their show then and he gave me a smile. I almost laughed because I asked Katsuma for a hug [he was the only one I was planning to hug, because I would be too shy to ask the others] and Masato offered a hug to me as well. ;A;
Like Katsuma, I could probably go on about him.
Ruki the GazettE
I feel like you either hate Ruki, or you love him. Or you're just 'meh' with him and in it for the others. [Which might be the same as hating him, I don't know.] But I can never bring myself to actually be mad at Ruki? I don't know if this is me just being extremely bias, but like Masato I really love Ruki's insight and his lyrics.
I can understand some of the reasons why people don't like him, but I still like him and he's still considered my second bias to....well Aoi.
Aoi the GazettE
What's there to say about Aoi that I haven't already said before? Honestly, the more I got to know Aoi as a person-the more I liked him. I understand that he is an emotional person, and that's okay. He's human, as we all are-and he's a little bit more open with his emotions than the other members. He's not afraid to say what's on his mind either, but I do feel bad when people attack him for his opinions.
He's such a sweetheart, he treats his friends well and he really cares about the band. I was so sad to hear that he thought he wasn't as talented as Uruha and the others. What I believe is that Aoi has a different style than Uruha, and Uruha even stated himself that Aoi is emotional and that's why he can play with such emotion. [Uruha said he can't even replicate that himself.]
He balances Uruha out, and honestly he's just as talented as his counterpart. Case in point: VACANT. I see people giving credit to Uruha for the Guitar Solo, but honestly I believe it's Aoi's solo. It's more to the left, and it just sounds like an Aoi solo. [I'm gonna end this here before it becomes a moving on.]
There's a lot of things about Aoi I love, but it was my love for him that honestly brought me to meet a few good friends of mine. My friend Jessica [Who's not active anymore, but we're friends on facebook] and Reida. Damn, if it wasn't for Reida, I wouldn't have taken the chance and gone to LA to see them live.
I have a whole post on why I love Aoi though, so I will end this here.
So who are your biases? Doesn't have to be jrock or Visual Kei in general. I'm curious.
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